Thursday, June 11, 2009

Next stop Hollywood.

The film plot is set in Amsterdam, Moscow or Paris, but the audience sees Berlin: The German capital is the favorite mausert the location scouts. A bus tour shows filming locations and lots of film clips - only sometimes the reality can not keep up with fiction.


Berlin, it is usual for Double Major and Nicer to be. Filmmakers had already Moscow, Paris or London resurrected. So was the British capital for "In 80 days around the world" on the Gendarmenmarkt transplanted. The German Cathedral mimes the Bank of England and the Schauspielhaus, the Royal Academy of Science. Only when Big Ben Berliner Structures had to fit the computer was eventually smuggled into the picture. "In 80 days around the world" was filmed six years ago, now the film flickers on the screens in the bus.

It is the prelude to the
"VideobusTour" on the film city of Berlin. In London, the film crew would have hardly found a suitable place, the two weeks they seized it. Easy does it, in Berlin. The city is working steadily upwards in the list of location scouts throughout the world for suitable locations for filming comedies, action thrillers or dramas are looking for. In Germany, Munich has long been squeezed from the top. Thus, the organizers of the cinematic journey of choice and need to restrict some 20 films from which they show.



Movie directors know where to find the coolest scenes in European cities. Do you know which movie in which the city was shot? Check's in the blogs ONLINE quiz!

The basic principle is the same as for any other sightseeing trip: The bus stops in front of the visual object, and the man at the micro explains the key facts. But instead on the Gendarmenmarkt, for example, something about the architecture of Karl Friedrich Schinkel to learn, learns of travelers here, as the Schiller statue for filming was cleverly veiled.

And there is something quite different: the view constantly changes between the original and the illusion, thereby blurring the boundaries. Suddenly, the passersby seem like extras to move, and the movie scenes are real than reality. In Wedekindstraße where a large part of the Oscar-winner "The Lives of Others" is playing, the sun radiates the colorful graffiti on the building facades. The film crew had almost daily new paint over graffiti, to the scene again in Tristes DDR-gray ones. The original is disappointing and until the next stop already forgotten.

From "Run Lola Run" to "Goodbye Lenin"

In "Das Leben der Anderen" Berlin may still play himself. It is not that the city only as Double occurs. Finally, their own history so much to offer film-like - even though they are often sad and gloomy, is it primarily about war and the GDR past.


Polanski filming: Sylt is the U.S. island redesigned (13.02.2009)

Film City Barcelona: Woody Allen's love letter (04.12.2008)

The Videobus travelers get a lot of Berlin-scenes in the parallel reality and presented on the screen: You can see excerpts from "Herr Lehmann", "Run Lola Run" and "Goodbye Lenin". Most interesting are still scenes in which Berlin plays a different city: Berlin Armory makes to Paris, the Walter-Benjamin-Platz in Charlottenburg embodies Amsterdam, and the Tiergarten tunnel there is a chase through Moscow ago.

In Berlin, but it has no need to deal with self herumzuschlagen. Probably the German capital is simply the better Paris, Amsterdam, the better, the better Moscow. The film has also a stuntman role the pike over the car, because of the high-Star did not, and a double finger stretches for a close-up at the camera, so no one off the nails of the Diva looks.

Mr. Lehmann and the pig roast

About the film-book tour, travels with the Videobus against the tourists. The hotspots have already seen, here are also Notspots presented. Squares and streets and houses, which lie beyond, but perhaps reveal more about Berlin and its inhabitants than some attraction. As for the stopping in the middle of Kreuzberg. The group stands before the "World Market Restaurant", whose pork has gained national fame, since the anti-hero film "Herr Lehmann" here on and out.

It is not a tourist pub, outside in the spring sun keep two Gören Berlin with colorful hair and put a dump on to the cappuccino. Inside an elderly man dishes stories to his opposite again and again to a loud, disbelieving "Wat? Det glob ick dir nich 'lead. Not far from the pub advertises a hairdresser with the sharpest of the sharpest scissors haircut in Berlin ", and the window next to it extols" underground fashion from the best city in the world "to.

And then a tour in the Videobus enjoyable pastime once-and Berlin-anders-trip, even for those with less film on the hat have. The may not only from the beginning of something, an enormously tricky quiz, with film clips should be recognized. Already on the second task failed everyone, including the movie freaks. Nobody knew what cinema success on the Gendarmenmarkt was shot.

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