Monday, February 9, 2009

The prince has kissed Linz.

Sleeping Beauty is awakened from sleep and beautiful as ever. Is the prince as "Linz09", as the city its Capital of Culture years called? No, the Linzer themselves, have created new, nicely aufgebrezelt enter a new era.


Because now you sit in front of the cafe "Traxlmayr" and is amazed at the sun and in the blinking facades. The houses and the people. The Linz should be? Industrial city, Hermann-Göring-Werke, Linz, the dirty Catapult? In his retirement, Hitler wanted to seat? An unfortunate story, a giant load. After 1945 only learned Linz disdain. So how women who Mandy Nicole hot or not to appeal trust also tended Linzer sex appeal long time to zero. But for cities the same laws as attractive for people: Flawless Visage are boring, permanently fascinated the imperfect.

Even so, the population has always been its engine, the steel industry, were identified. And most people who are more or less randomly landed here, would soon no longer away. Guide Silvia Mayr Pranzeneder, formerly lived in Vienna, said at the beginning of their tour: "In the seventies there has been fairly bleak. But in the last 20 years, Linz continuously in culture and quality of life gained."

From the former steel area on the Danube is an art-loving, environmentally conscious has become the center, the air is cleaner than in most other Austrian cities. When the chimneys blow Voestalpine little poison into the atmosphere? otherwise invites you to a newly built visitor center, is the patron and the factory in the city history museum Nordico from.



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The unemployment rate is below four percent, one of the lowest in the country. And the old industrial port has become a wildly romantic idyll changed. 'Heat' nice if the people away from their outdated fairy tale now slowly adapt to the reality could be, "Ms Mayr hopes Pranzeneder. And sounds determined that your help.

Are we doing it then the favor and start all over again to unbiased. Just like today when Linz tourist arrives in the city. The best way by train. The station was renovated by the Traffic Club Austria already repeated the finest in the country chosen. Modern, he is, light, with cafes and a large supermarket. Underground launches the tram, the passenger zuckelnd on the road to the main place.

The road is a pedestrian zone in the city. And because they are so long and beautiful, she is of all shopping streets in Austria outside Vienna, the most popular. Wine bars, traditional Beisln, roof bars and lovingly decorated delicatessen shops form an urban melange that shows how well the in Linz are enjoying. Extraordinary self-concept, they have curtains? in the fashion and furniture store "eggs" about the insiders to come from Vienna, Graz and Munich, because in the shop at the foot of the Schlossberg collections of Yohji Yamamoto and Dries Van Noten on furniture of Eileen Gray editions or take Andrée Putman . In Linz!

The main square, the heart of the city

At the station, please get off the main square. Here are the heartbeat of the city: a closed ensemble of old town houses with colorful, baroque facades. Behind one of them is the "Hotel Wolfinger in a 600 year old house, furnished with Biedermeier rarities that everyone comfortable. Imperial Highnesses, Prussian kings and artists stayed here.

Exciting is the inner architecture of the "Wolfinger. Like the other houses on the main square is endlessly moves far to the rear. Not too wide, not too many windows to the front, once the cost of taxes, ie the depth at the Old Town streets inside. Thus, we built six centuries ago, back then, when Linz already a bustling commercial city. This has made us the confectionery Fritz Rath of kuk Bakery in Pfarrgasse laconically states: "Although we had no emperor or archbishop, who had splendid buildings gifts. But we were busy, and money was always there." Rath is an original as his Linzer tarts. A representative of the "Kiss the Hand" Group, and Linzer charmer of the old school.

The black-clothed in the upper café Traxlmayr "because he hardly after? Austro though his Spanish is colored and the man ten years ago came from Cuba. The Salon des Cafes graugrünsamtene's newspaper because of its abundance is a wonderful place. And then enters also a beautiful person on the terrace: Maxi Blaha, 1.80 meters tall, Uma Thurman-type actress. Has years of the Viennese castle played later in the theater room in Tübingen, since 2001 she is in Linz. If a perfect mime-biography not run exactly the opposite? Ms. Blaha laughs.



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"For me it was always very nice. After 13 years, permanent position I now enjoy the life as a solo artist." When Blaha occurs, the Brucknerhaus, Linzer Concert Hall, sold out. Theater Phönix exactly where they are in the farce "The dwarf calls" the Schneewittchen there, along with Hitler a glass coffin entsteigt. Ironically on the Pöstlingberg? the excursion idyll with restaurant, beer garden and sanctuary. In short, Hitler returns exactly back to the place that everyone recommends Linzer first, if you ask him where it is particularly beautiful.

Maxi Blaha like this penchant for the bizarre. In the experimental arts. But even in the old city streets around the Lord Street, where the love of secluded in junk shops and quirky cafes shows, where every day, artists, architects, free-lancer and students in lively discourse ensnare. The Linzer love to dispute.

Composition of glass and concrete

And if the head then needs fresh air, it's only a few minutes walk in nature. In the middle of the city. On the Danube. "Donaulände" is the riverside road to the Emperor Franz Joseph in 1854 Sisi his reception has taken. Today this is the Brucknerhaus. The iron sculptures from the "forum metal from the seventies, demonstrate the early undaunted will to art.

But the main role in this side plays opened in 2003, from the New City Gallery of Art Museum Lentos emerged. The construction of the Swiss architects Weber & Hofer is made of glass and concrete composed. And incidentally, symbolizes the idea of the museum's director Stella Rollig except for the classic Austrian modernism also present contemporary art to present.


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Ms. Rollig was from 1994 to 1996 in Vienna, the German curator of art. From their claims, the petite woman with short blond haircut never waived. Toll finds that the art scene here on the various disciplines is so well networked. There was, for instance, ballet performances in the museum lobby. Was just a shame that in Linz until now no internationally renowned gallery owners do. Because are still too many good people leave once they have completed Art University.

Lentos The restaurant is open daily until midnight, well attended. From the terrace to look at the northern Danube side, over to the Ars Electronica Center, Linz spearhead the movement for experimental art. Yonder in Urfahr, the old former fishing village, where the Linz today prefer to live? if they can afford it. It is also to be idyllic. At the beach you can Urfahraner evening after work or take a bath. Or among the weeping willows in hammocks reading.

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